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Friday, July 6, 2007

Sweep, Scrub, Scrape, Rinse

Cleaning the kitchen floor doesn't have to be hard. Here's an easy four step plan to clean your kitchen floor. I call it sweep, scrub, scrape, rinse - a very not original name.

1. Sweep - using a broom, sweep away the loose dirt, food droppings, dust, etc.
2. Scrub - scrub the floor with your natural cleaning product
3. Scrape - scrape away the dirty water/cleaner you've left behind
4. Rinse - go over the floor with a final rinse of clean water

While you're cleaning the kitchen floor, you may want to turn on all available lights so that you can see the floor better.

You may think of just doing the floor in one go. If you do that, you'll just move the dirt around instead of cleaning the kitchen floor.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Why are natural house cleaning products good for the environment?

How are natural house cleaning products are good for the environment?

1. They are biodegradable - Natural cleaning products can be broken down by living organisms. They become a useful addition to the environment instead of building up and becoming waste.

2. They are nontoxic - Some household cleaning products need to be disposed of in a special manner because they are actually toxic and can harm other living organisms. On the other hand, natural cleaning products are made from substances that don't harm the environment.

3. They reduce waste and pollution - If the natural cleaning products are concentrated, then they help the environment by reducing packaging waste. Since concentrates require less transportation, they help reduce carbon dioxide emissions as well.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Steel Hard Substance Scoured Away

I don't own a house but am renting a room in a house with a shared kitchen. When I was taking some vegetables out of the bottom tray of the fridge, I noticed something. It was a large black stain on the bottom of the fridge.

The fridge is white, so the stain was more than noticeable. It was probably some sauce or marinade (or some strange concoction of liquids). Whatever it was, it was hard and tough.

Regular dish soap had no chance of fighting this steel-hard substance. I decided to give this natural scouring cleanser a go (I currently have the discontinued version as there is a new brand). It smelled great and I didn't need to use gloves.

I simply used my fingers, put some of the natural scouring cleanser on a rag, and wet the rag. I then started rubbing the stubborn stain with the rag. Almost as if by magic, the stain started softening and turning liquid-like. I kept rubbing and eliminated all of it (or at least 99%).

Some people worry that natural cleaning products aren't as effective, but clearly this natural scouring cleanser shows that they can be just as effective (if not more effective) than traditional cleaning products.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

What's In Those Household Cleaning Products?

Have you actually wondered about what's in some of those household cleaning products you may be using? You could be risking the health of yourself and your family by having certain toxic chemical-laden cleaning products in your home instead of natural cleaning products and supplies. To find out what's actually in a specific product, check out this household products database.

Here's an example of what you can find in the database. This came from a pot and pan detergent.

Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic):

Ingestion: Ingestion may cause transient gastrointestinal irritation.
Eye Contact: May cause mild, transient irritation.
Skin: Transient irritation with prolonged exposure to concentrated material.

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure:
Ingestion: May result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea.
Eye Contact: May cause stinging, tearing, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
Skin: Prolonged contact with concentrated material may be drying or transiently irritating to the skin.

Would you want to risk throwing up, running to the washroom, or irritating your skin? Here's another thought for you: this product is meant to be used on pots and pans, which are used to cook your foods! What if you used this pot and pan detergent on your pot and left some residue behind?