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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Steel Hard Substance Scoured Away

I don't own a house but am renting a room in a house with a shared kitchen. When I was taking some vegetables out of the bottom tray of the fridge, I noticed something. It was a large black stain on the bottom of the fridge.

The fridge is white, so the stain was more than noticeable. It was probably some sauce or marinade (or some strange concoction of liquids). Whatever it was, it was hard and tough.

Regular dish soap had no chance of fighting this steel-hard substance. I decided to give this natural scouring cleanser a go (I currently have the discontinued version as there is a new brand). It smelled great and I didn't need to use gloves.

I simply used my fingers, put some of the natural scouring cleanser on a rag, and wet the rag. I then started rubbing the stubborn stain with the rag. Almost as if by magic, the stain started softening and turning liquid-like. I kept rubbing and eliminated all of it (or at least 99%).

Some people worry that natural cleaning products aren't as effective, but clearly this natural scouring cleanser shows that they can be just as effective (if not more effective) than traditional cleaning products.

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